Pakistan violence: Tracing the defence establishments targeted by protestors

Pakistan has experienced a significant amount of political and social unrest in recent years, with protests and demonstrations often turning violent. In some cases, demonstrators have targeted military and government installations, including defence establishments.

The reasons for these protests vary, but often they are related to issues such as corruption, economic inequality, human rights abuses, and political oppression. Many Pakistanis also have concerns about the role of the military in the country’s politics and governance.

Some of the high-profile incidents of violence against defence establishments in Pakistan include the 2014 attack on the Karachi Naval Dockyard, the 2015 attack on the Badaber airbase, and the 2016 attack on the Quetta Police Training College.

It is important to note that violence against any institution or group is not acceptable and should be condemned. It is also crucial to address the underlying issues that fuel these protests and address them through peaceful means

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